At Health Track our dedicated team is constantly releasing new updates and features designed to improve your systems efficiency and enhance your user experience. To ensure you are using HealthTrack to its full potential we recommend you familiarise yourself with the below enhancements.
If you have any questions regarding a new feature or enhancement, please contact HealthTrack at .
Change log: 2011-12
- Referral Tracking, two more columns DistributionMethod and DistributionUsername have been added into the export (.csv file).
- Middle names will now be ignored in the patient merge manager. If the first name for each patient (up to the space) is the same then these will be matched.
- HealthTrack can now print Healthscope pathology request form.
- The Internal test request option will now create new document in referral folder and the clinical notes will be added to the body of the request.
- The Add Assistant Fees screen when invoicing now supports items other than 51300 and 51303, provided they have been added to HealthTrack in the Add/Modify Billing Items screen.
- Added support to print clinical records with the hospital header on letterhead paper.
- Added a new print option to the Distribute Income Report; two additional reports can be included: Recipient Created Tax Invoice and Debtors Listing per doctor.
- Improved the content layout of Referral Unit Report to better cater for practice needs; both standard and detailed (with additional information about Package Information and EOLC) options are available.
- CVV field, if selected in location room manager, is now included on the invoice in the remittance section.
- If a patient has a DVA number the invoice screen will no longer prompt to check medicare status.
- The Hepatology clinical record can now view Base Assessment details in the Compare mode that are in the “Height and Weight” section, the “Body” section and the “Cholesterol” section.
- Conditions that appear in the General Consultations and Specialities screens now have the date the condition was added listed at the end of the condition name. This ensures that for lengthy conditions you can still easily read the details, without the date getting in the way.
- In-patient items are now indicates with a * when adjusting the details of a batch.
- If you are importing doucments and the files change and no longer exist a ‘File not found’ message will be displayed.
- HealthTrack will no longer prompt the user prior to exiting if a logoff/shutdown is occurring.
- SMS replies now treat ‘!’ the same as ‘.’. eg ‘Y!’ will now mark a booking as confirmed from an SMS reply.
- When adding a MIMS product to a prescription, if that product is known to cause drowsiness, a message will now be displayed to the user.
- MIMS Products now display their notes underneath any Indications for Authority, Section 100 or Restricted Benefits
- The Medication Prescriber now has a Drug Composition button listed beside each product name. Clicking this button will display a small information screen that details the composition of the selected drug. As an example, Panadeine Forte will show its composition as “Paracetamol 500 mg, codeine phosphate 30 mg”
- Batches in a status of ‘online received’ can no longer be voided.
- A new field has been added to the Booking Type forms “Document Folder”. This field is used for importing of Barcoded documents. If you are interested in Barcode Scanning please contact HealthTrack Support
- Added tighter delete restrictions to the Clinical Notes screen. Clinical Notes can only be deleted by the user that created them, or by a user with a specific Delete permission.
- Enhanced distribution list to send Advance Stress Echo clinical records.
- Added tighter editing restrictions to the Clinical Notes screen. Clinical Notes can only be edited by the user that created them and after a 24hr ‘editable’ period only amendments can be made. Added an ? information button to the Clinical Notes screen that will display who created and last modified/amended a clinical note.
- Added warnings to highlight when invalid admission/discharge dates will prevent an invoice from being sent via Medicare Online/ECLIPSE.
- Referral type (Referral/Request/Referral with request) is now a column visible when viewing referrals in the booking screen or on patient management.
- Referral type (Referral/Request/Referral with request) is now a column visible when selecting referrals for invoicing.
- The default referral class when creating new referrals/requests can be set based on the logged on location.
- The invoice screen now highlights the different referral types with their own colour ie Referral / Request / Referral with Request.
- Added support to print referral attachments in the Add/Modify referral screen.
- Added support to print letter head reports for Advance TOE, Advance Stress Echo, Advance ABP Protocols, Holter and Exercise Stress clinical records.
- Reply to email can now be set to a semi-colon delimited list of email addresses.
- Billing items can now have custom prices assigned to specific doctors at all locations, as well as all doctors at a specific location. Speed improvements have also been added that make using these custom fees faster and more responsive.
- Added notes/comments to the Holter clinical record. (This does not appear in the Final printed report).
- Item and fees report has a new option ‘Bill To ID’/Detail. This allows the data to be broken down per company for healthfund/workcover/third party etc.
- Added a new Billing Rule Configuration screen that allows members of the HMS-Manager Security group to turn on and off billing rules. This screen can be accessed via Admin – Maintenance – Billing Rule Configuration.
- The Document Management screen will now show the full name of an Assignee, not just their username.
- The Clinical Record Information screen’s “Originator” list of users will no longer show deleted users.
- If both payment and processing reports have been received from Medicare/Eclipse the batch will now be set to the status ‘Online Received’.
- Added the patient ID and a ‘Goto patient’ button on to the batch errors screen.
- The grey and white shading on the Batch Billing History screen can now be turned off system-wide via a HealthTrack system setting.
- Added a right-click ‘Print’ option for documents being viewed from the clinical records tree.
- The clinical records Add Smart Text screen now has a third mode of display designed for terminal servers. A system setting will prevent the Smart Text screen from being ‘full screen’, instead it will become maximised. This will prevent visual glitches on terminal server sessions.
- HIBC Auto Import, Added support to import booking bar code reports/prints into specific folder configured into booking type table. Previously all booking reports ware imported into one generic folder.
- The Medications Prescriber is now capable of printing hospital prescriptions with ten drugs to a page. These need to be specially configured by HealthTrack and the functionality is switched off by default.
- The Launch Pad can now have more than 10 entries.
- The location for provider numbers will now be displayed in the provider number selector screen.
- Multiple service rules and invoice item validation rules can now be switched on and off on a case-by-case basis. Currently these configurations are performed by HealthTrack support.
- The Find Next Booking screen will now allow you to search for available bookings without returning ones with no doctor specified. The default of this feature as to whether it is automatically selected or not can be controlled by a system setting FindNextAllowsNoDoctor.
- The allocation screen is now wider when opening and the invoice/payment grid grow to the width of the screen.
- ENHANCEMENT: If you are part-way through filling out an invoice and change the Invoice To (ie: from Patient to Health Fund), HealthTrack will now warn you that your invoiced items may no longer be correct and will assist you with resolving the issue.
- When billing diagnostic imaging items that require requests, if a referral is chosen for the invoice instead HealthTrack will now automatically mark the item as Self Deemed. This is to comply with Medicare self-deeming rules. This function is a system wide property that can be set to on or off by the site.
- Added “Keep Templates Visible” checkbox to the Booking Types editor. When a booking with this set sits over the top of a template on the diary, the template will no longer be automatically hidden. This is handy when placing Lunch and Meeting bookings over the top of existing templates.
- Synopsis of test type is now displayed for incoming pathology and radiology HL7 results.
- Added a HealthTrack System Property that will prevent the Smart Text screen in clinical records from going fullscreen. This property is turned off by default and HealthTrack will behave as per usual.
- Added “Print Barcode” button on booking form to print a blank report with patient and booking details with the barcode as a report header.
- Updated clinical records to display external study details (study source and study number) if the clinical record has been created via external interface (e.g. Epiphany). External study details can be viewed from clinical record’s info screen by pressing ? button.
- The ‘future’ button on the booking tab will now set the ‘Date To’ field to 31/12/9999
- Added a Drug Tracking module, with the ability to add drug dosages on regular date/time schedules.
- Ability to categories patient based on a new Department Categories field. Support has been added into the Department Manager screen to add/modify department categories.
- AdminDashboard, support has been added to identify and list failed Pathology, Radiology and Xcelera results into a new ‘Files to Action’ section.
- The batching screen will now open with batches grouped by status. i.e. All batches in the state ‘Online Error’ will be displayed at the top of the screen, all items ‘In progress’ will be displayed together. The screen can still have it’s sorting changed and the filter-row at the top of the screen will still find/search batches regardless of which group they’re in and wether the group is expanded or not.
- Printer configurations for Prescriptions, Labels and Distribution List Coversheets now support terminal servers and individual user settings.
- The Marketing Prospects report now includes a total count on the report.
- The Batch Cover Sheet Detail Invoice report now has an option to add a remittance advice message to the end of the invoice. It can be changed in the System Settings configuration screen, under the setting CustomBatchInvoiceMessage.
- Pacemaker devices and leads, when implanted, will default to today’s date but no longer contain a time component. This time can be optionally added if required. When printing Device Procedure reports these devices and leads that do not have a time component will still be printed on the report.
- Pacemaker devices and leads can now be deleted by users with sufficient security privileges.
- Updated AutoDocument Import process to allow for assignee to be set different to that of the originator.
- The Batch Billing History screen’s buttons have been rearranged to provide a more logical and less confusing layout. The speed of which batches are displayed has been improved.
- Pathology and Radiology results can now be auto-approved. Doctors can set up the auto approval of these results in their User Preferences settings – Document Management and Importing tab – Incoming Document Set up.
- Group Bookings viewed in a patient’s Bookings list will now show the patient’s actual status for the group booking, and not the group booking’s own status.