- HealthTrack will now remember the size and position of windows. The currently remembered settings can be cleared either from the logon screen or from File->Reset windows positions.
- User’s are now able to add words to the custom dictionary in HealthTrack where spell checking is enabled.
- Added new permission for creating new patients, called “Patient_New”. This permission has automatically been granted to the HMS-UserNormal security group, so almost all users should continue to have the ability to create new patients. If any of your staff experience an error when creating new patients, please ensure they have this permission assigned to them.
- The Distribute Income’s ‘Location’ filter has now been replaced with a location selector that also displayed Location Sets. A Location Set is a pre-configured collection of locations that make up a recognisable group or entity, such as “All Testing Locations”, “All Consulting Locations” or “All Hospitals”. Location sets can be configured in the Admin menu under Locations and Rooms -> Location Sets Manager.
- RCTI report and its debtors listing report now supports filtering on selected locations.
- Set LSPN required when creating a new medicare item as per Accreditation requirements mentioned on http://www.medicareaustralia.gov.au/provider/medicare/lspn.jsp
- Set LSPN required when creating a new medicare item if it is a R/NR item as per MBS Note DIB.
- When making Printer Setup changes, the new changes are now usable straight away without the need to restart HealthTrack first.
- The patient details displayed when invoicing will include the Medicare/DVA/Pensioner # rather than phone numbers.
- Medications will now select the search text box by default when opening and whenever adding medications.
- A new property ‘ForceOnlineEpisodeDetailsReview’ has been added. This will prevent an invoice being issued until the ‘Online Details’ screen has had the ‘OK’ button pressed.
- A new property ‘SelectSingleValidReferral’ has been added that will control if a referral should be selected when creating new bookings. This value can be set via Admin -> Maintenance -> System Settings.
- Introduced new letter template tag that displays the Copy To information of Interested Parties on one line. New tags: <HMS-IP_CopyTo_SingleLine>, <HMS-IP_CopyToNameOnly_SingleLine>.
- New letter template tag that displays the name and address of an Interested Party Addressee on a single line. New tag: <HMS-IP_AddresseeNameAddress_SingleLine>. Further information on these tags can be found in the Healthtrack Document Template Tags documentation.
- New letter template tags that also display the details of a procedure or condition. Procedures and conditions will now be displayed in the order as defined in the View Procedures and View Conditions screen. New tags: <HMS-ClinicalSummary_Conditions_WithDetails>, <HMS-ClinicalSummary_ConditionsNoDates_WithDetails>, <HMS-ClinicalSummary_Procedures_WithDetails>. Further information on these tags can be found in the Healthtrack Document Template Tags documentation.
- Procedures and Conditions can be ordered by the buttons to the right of the grid in their respective screens which can be accessed from the view buttons on the Clinical Summary screen.
- New properties have been added to allow text to appear in the header/footer of distributed reports. The properties “TaggedPageHeader” and “TaggedPageFooter” can be found in the “System Settings” screen (Admin -> Maintenance -> System Settings).
- ’View messages’ and ‘Credit Management’ can be accessed directly from the Admin menu. The buttons to access these screens have been removed from the NotificationManager.
- Bank deposit reconciliation and receipts listing will now include the payment memo/comment. This can be useful if you record Run # in the memo field as it will now display on the report.
- Remembering last window positions can now be disabled per user. Go to File -> User preferences and tick the ‘Disable Windows Saving’ checkbox.
- Pathology/radiology font/fontsize can now be customised (system wide setting). This is available under Admin -> Maintenance ->System Settings, properties PathDisplayFont and PathDisplayFontSize.
- Additional validation has been added to batching to verify a bill practice number has been correctly set up for a provider if the health fund requires it.
- Changed the ‘Find invalid’ button on the Add/Modify referring MO screen to ‘Additional searches’.
- Added ‘Find providers set to have an Additional Manual Copy’ search to the Add/Modify referring MO screens additional searches.
- Logo selector will now allow a location to revert to the default logo by pressing the ‘Use System Default Logo’ button.
- Invoice terms will now appear on Batch Bill Invoice.
- Users can now use the log button on the patient demographic screen to add their user name and time stamp to the notes box.
- Batches can now be created for a single invoice via the right-click menu in the transaction listing.
- Interested parties can now be added via add the IP button on the patient demographics screen.
- Check Days Forward and Check Days Backward can now be checked against additional Booking Types. The additional Booking Types can be specified in the Add/Modify Booking Types screen by pressing the Linked Booking Types button.
- Booking warning for patients under X months of age, which can be set per Booking Type. The number of months can be set in the Add/Modify Booking Types screen.
- Invoices created through the Admissions system’s Hospital Charges tab can now be reviewed, reprinted and reversed.
- Allow 7 digit LSPN numbers within HealthTrack.