- Creating a new Booking or Group Booking will now warn the user if there is another Booking or Group Booking for that Patient with the same Booking Type within a date range. The date range can be set per Booking Type in the Add/Modify Booking Types screen.
- Added a new report called “Theatre List”. This report is similar to “DaySheet fast” report with additional information such as “Insurance”, “Patient address”, etc. This report can be accessed via Reports menu then “Theatre List” and also available from the print button in Dairy.
- EHA medical record will automatically add the patient to the distribution list. The report will be distributed via “HMS Patient Portal”.
- SMS and Fax credit usage can now be tracked via the Notification Manager by clicking on the Analyse Usage button. The Credit Management screen allows you to track usage, your history of credits purchasing and graph them over time.
- Added a new user configurable system setting ‘WatermarkTransparency’ that will allow users to change the transparency of watermarks on reports.
- The Phone Book screen now has a Print button that can print envelopes with the selected phone book entry’s details. If you wish to have this set up, please contact HealthTrack support and provide a sample Word document template you use for your envelopes.
- The Company Management screen now has a Print button that can print envelopes with the selected company’s details. If you wish to have this set up, please contact HealthTrack support and provide a sample Word document template you use for your envelopes.
- The Add/Modify Referring MO screen’s Print button is now able to print envelopes with the selected doctor’s details. If you wish to have this set up, please contact HealthTrack support and provide a sample Word document template you use for your envelopes.
- Selecting ‘Print’ for patient chart labels/envelopes will now send print immediately rather than opening the document in word (or the default rtf viewer).
- Creating a new booking where the patient has only a single valid referral will now select this by default.
- Patient status (Active/Inactive/Contact/Deceased) can now be seen from the ‘Find Patient’ search.
- A new user preference has been added to set the default type to assign imported documents.
- If ‘Show Notes’ is on in the diary, the tooltip will now display the time when moving the mouse.
- Right-clicking on a diary slot/template will now display the start time.
- Added new system property called “DefaultBillingClass” to set the default billing class selection in “Pathology Request” screen and the default value is 0. The meaning for values are as following, 0: Using Demographic Billing Class; 1: Practice Fees; 2: Schedule Fees; 3: Medicare Rebate. This setting can be changed from Admin->Maintenance->System settings.
- Added shortcut key ‘F8’ to open “Recent Patients” screen from the patient demographics.
- When accessing “Security Group Manager”, if the current user does not have the access permission, a list of users who have the permission “SecurityEditorAccess” will now show up.
- Added a Cardiac Overview tab to the Base Assessment Risk Factors section. This is a licensable feature with specific cardiology options.
- CVV will now also display in the remittance advice for overdue invoice reports.
- On the Smart Text insertion screen, HealthTrack will automatically Insert Resulting Text when you swap to another Smart Text box.
- There is now an Alert for when the patient is less than 18 years old
- Practice Wide->Bookings screen has a new button “Requested Earlier”. When clicking on the button, the results will show the bookings with “request earlier” checked.
- Booking screen updated to have check boxes “Urgent” and “Request Earlier”. These default to unticked.
- ”Find Patient” screen can now search patients by Medicare NO if a 10 digits number is entered in the “Surname” field and “Surname / Patient ID” is selected for “Search By”.
- Added new ‘Send SMS’ button to the referring doctor editor.
- Added a new search under ‘Find invalid’ on the referring doctor administration screen. The new search lists providers set to receive reports via fax but the fax number isn’t valid (or is missing an area code).
- Incoming Documents Approval and Matching screens now show green check icons if there are results waiting to be matched or approved.
- New screen ‘View Sent Messages’ is available. This is accessible from the ‘Notification Manager’. This screen can display all messages sent within a date range.
- New letter template tag added: <HMS-IP_CopyToNameOnly>. This tag will show “Copy To” with name only (no addresses).
- New letter template tag added: <HMS-ClinicalSummary_ConditionsNoDates>. This tag will show patient conditions(without dates)in alphabetical order .
- Updated the SMS confirmation handling to ignore some punctuation (commas & single/double quotes). (The response “Y” will successfully confirm a booking).
- Patient gender is now added to the daysheet report.
- Location and Rooms Manager, added a check box called “Restrict Billing Access To Location”; This option is only visible to users with permission “SecurityEditorEditLocations”. When this option is ticked, only users that have the associated security permission for this location will be able to bill for it.
- Location and Rooms Manager, added a check box called “Restrict Viewing Access To Location”; This option is only visible to users with permission “SecurityEditorEditLocations”. When this option is ticked, only users that have the associated security permission for this location will be able to view it.
- The All Patients Booking screen can now be filtered by ‘Not Reported On’ Booking Types.
- EHA record, full company name is shown as tooltip for the company field when hovering on the field.
- EHA record, added “Company” into “summary screen”. Double-click on the label next to “Company” will bring up the company selector.
- Patient find screen will select the ‘surname’ textbox after a search that returns no matching patients.
- Distribution List screen, added a button called “Add to Patient Portal” which is only enabled when accessing from “View Distribution List” button on “Info” screen inside clinical record. This will add a distribution record for the Patient via “HMS Patient Portal”.
- Updated the diary’s waiting room to only display patient’s who have been marked as arrived in the last seven days. Please use Practice Wide->Bookings to find bookings that are still in the arrived status in the past.
- Patients who have multiple MRNs for one location now will have their primary MRN used as the MRN for printed reports.
- Auto-allocation when receiving only the gap amount will allocate the gap to each line item. Previously this would allocate sequentially to each item. This will not work when also billing non-medicare service items on the same invoice.
- The questionnaire system will validate a patient’s email address prior to overwriting the main patient record. This will prevent invalid email addresses being saved to the demographics.
- In speciality screen, when the MRN is too long to display in full, it will instead display as tooltip when hovering on the MRN.
- Patient demographics will display the full MRN as tooltip on hovering.
- Added a property “ClinicalImageResizeInReport” under group name “MR”,it specifies whether the attached image in medical report(currently only for MRI) can be resized. This property can be managed by users via System Settings screen.
- In MRI clinical record, a check box “Include Report in Image” is added for each image in the image tab. Once ticked, the image will be included in the MRI report.
- Scientific officer and Supervising MO in the clinical details tab are now limiting to the locations configured in Staff Directory in the following records: MRI, Tilt Table Test, Echocardiogram, Stress Echo, Ambulatory ECG and Ambulatory BP.
- A new security keyword “CanTakeOwnership” has been added. This allows a user to take ownership of workflow documents even if they are not a doctor.
- The patient’s status (Active/Inactive/Contact/Deceased) and deceased date are now visible when merging two patients together.
- Department can now be specified when assigning a role to a staff member. Department can be used to filter when selecting staff in clinical records.
- Allow the “Scanned Report” document attachment tabs on clinical records to be user editable after having a document assigned to them.
- Clinical record viewer now supports opening multipage documents in the associated windows viewer.
- The OPV/OVV/PVF requirement during batching will be based on the most recent service date in a batch. This will mean you no longer have to perform another check when rebatching only previously submitted items.
- ECLIPSE Processing reports will now display the previous batches an item was submitted in.
- Added new location based tags for formatted address. The new tags are PrimFormattedAddress, MailFormattedAddress and RemitFormattedAddress. These can be used for any location based tag eg <HMS-BookingLocation_PrimFormattedAddress>
- The Distribute Income screen can now export additional invoiced item number details, referrer details and clinical record data details that have been captured and linked to invoiced bookings. This additional information is only available when using the “Invoices Issued” CSV export function on this screen.
- The following phrases will be used to mark bookings as confirmed via the SMS reply handler: ‘OKAY’, ‘SURE’, ‘ANSWER IS YES’, ‘WILL BE THERE’, ‘SEE YOU THEN’.
- Add CTRL-F shortcut for ‘Find Patient’ on the Practice Wide->Import documents screen.
- Updated the Consultation Note Information screen to show a log of all modifications
- Increase the number of locations listed in the dropdown on the diary.
- Added a warning when creating an invoice if a memo has been set. This highlights that the memo CANNOT transfer to Medicare/DVA/ECLIPSE for online submissions.
- Added predefined episode descriptions selection on the Select New Episode For Consultation screen. The Select New Episode For Consultation screen can automatically select a predefined episode description according to preferences.
- Added eRVR field to the Hepatitis Status tab of the Hepatitis Record.
- Company search now has a column indicating if the company is a healthfund.
- Added alerts for patient allergies. To create an alert, tick the Alert checkbox when creating a new Allergy for a patient. The alert can be accessed with other alerts in the Demographics Tab. Doctors will receive an Alert Popup warning.
- The batch billing screen now explicitly states “These batches have not been submitted.” for batches in the ‘In Progress’ or ‘Online Error’ states.
- Added smart text support for Clinical Notes History and Clinical Notes Examination buttons. Smart text can be customised by opening the Hx or Ex smart text selector screens and using the EditSmartText button.
- Button “..” now exists next to ‘+’ and ‘-’ buttons in the advanced finalise screen (when a batch is expanded). This button performs the same action as double-clicking. This is used when the amount paid differs to the amount invoiced.
- HealthTrack can now warn users if a new/modified booking will clash. The system will check if either the room or doctor selected will now be double booked.
- Added a Booking Audit History screen which displays changes made to the booking.
- Added additional logging when changing status of bookings. This can be viewed in the booking form’s info [?] button.
- Added a No SMS Reminder checkbox to the booking form. Checking this box will prevent SMS reminder from being sent for this booking.
- Updated consultation note limit so that it is no longer limited to 5000 characters
- Notification manager settings now has a button to test the SMS configuration for HealthTrack is set up correctly.
- If no report is downloaded display this on remittance/payment report when using ‘Print All’ option from the ‘Receive Online Payments’ screen.
- When adding a new allergy for a patient, the “Current Allergy” tick box will now be ticked by default. This avoids an extra step when adding new allergies.
- HealthTrack will now prevent you from creating referring doctors that do not have a Surname entered.
- The User Preferences screen will now allow you to set the default ‘role’ that the Document Management screen will show for you. The ‘role’ dropdown box appears on the top-left corner of the Document Management screen and usually contains the options Typist, Admin or Doctor.
- Added ‘?’/Info button to alert manager. This can give additional information about the user who created/modified an alert.
- When creating a new referring doctor entry, the Comms Method will now automatically default to Mail.
- Patient worklists now allow drag & drop re-ordering and the order is preserved through saving and loading.
- Holter / Event Monitor Diary Sheet records and reports now display their Diary Sheet entries in chronological order instead of the previous reverse chronological order.
- Documents created with an internal doctor used as the Addressee can now choose to have the doctor’s internal location address added to the letter. This is optional, and switched off by default, however it is useful for ensuring that your internal doctors are addressed using the same uniform addressing system as your referring doctors.
- The “Arrhythmias” tab on certain Holter and Event Monitor records has been renamed to “Results”, as it captured data such as Heart Rates which should not appear under a header named “Arrhythmias” in the printed report.
- Clinical Records that use the Diary Sheet tab and their reports now have the BP Sys / BP dias columns rearranged to be after the date (moved to be closer to the left side from the very right hand side).
- The attached document previewer now allows the attached document to be opened using the default file viewer for that document type by clicking the ‘Open’ button.
- ’Referral Unit Report’ – ‘Past History’ limits the maximum number of consecutive carriages returns to three.
- The Generic Cardio Reporting records (i.e. Event Monitor) will now have a “Scanned Report” attachment tab for new records.