- Invoices to patients can now be claimed live from Medicare through their Patient Claims gateway, allowing patients to have their Medicare rebate request lodged electronically. This feature is enabled on request and requires additional details to be filled in per-invoice to allow each patient claim to be sent through to Medicare.
- HealthTrack now has its own Document Editor. Based on Site and User preferences HealthTrack can use only the HealthTrack Document Editor, a combination of the HealthTrack Document Editor and Word or only Word.
- DVA Paperless Streamlined online claiming is now available from within the Batch Billing screen. Instead of batching claims manually, DVA batches can now be submitted online for claiming via the same mechanism as online Medicare and health fund claim.
- Added HealthTrack username/password support. This can be used instead of the default LDAP / Active directory logon support. Administrators are required to set the password on newly created user account (right-click in security manager) and from that point users can change their password from the File->Set password menu option.
- Added Location Sets Manager, which allows a set (public or private) of locations/rooms to be created/edited/deleted. These sets will also appear in dairy in the order defined.
- A “Sites Help File Manager” is now available in HealthTrack. Users can now generate their own Help Files specific to their practice and have these included in the HealthTrack Help Files. This can be accessed from the Maintenance section of the Admin menu.
- Added new Patient Merge Manager screen to allow the user to view lists of potential identical patients. These patients can now be easily merged from this screen.
- The bank deposit number now appears in the footer of the bank deposit report.
- HealthTrack can now be configured to ignore automated ordering of items on invoices where the Patient is the invoice recipient. This is intended if you do not use Patient Claims, and your Patient invoices are not usually going to be claimed by the patient.
- Advanced search for ‘Patients with Health Fund’ can now select the option ‘No health fund specified’
- Added “Patient Recall Export Option” when exporting patient recall, from here “notes” can be excluded from the exported csv file.
- Display the number of characters for the template/preview of messages being configured in the Notification Manager.
- Changing the referring doctor on a referral will now alter the validity. 3 months for specialist / 12 months for GP. Please ensure you have set the referring doctor’s speciality correctly.
- New Security Permissions have been added to the HMS-Manager group. They are “AddModifyBillingGroups”, “AddModifyBillingItems”, “AddModifyBillPracticeNumber”, “AdjustmentsSummary”, “Allocations”, “AssitantFeesReport”, “BankDepositReconciliation”, “ItemAndFeesReport”, “Statements”. Each permission provides access to the corresponding report / configuration screen. All users who don’t have HMS-Manager will lose access to these reports/screens. The permissions can be added individually to your security groups for the users that require access to these.
- Added a link to the Pathology Analysis screen in the Speciality summary screen’s Hepatology group.
- In the Haemodynamics tab of Angiogram/Angiopasty clinical records, mitral valve/aortic valve fields now allow decimals to be entered.
- The diary can now be set to automatically refresh every X seconds (default 30).
- In the Echo report, all the values in MMode/2D/Doppler section will move over if other fields haven’t been recorded.
- The Schedule of Program Payments report now includes additional printed information for a Direct Debit Request.
- Deleted clinical records can be restored by right-clicking the base/parent node in the clinical records tree and selecting the “Show deleted clinical records.” option.
- Echocardiogram / Stress ECG’s now have a “Scanned Report” document attachment tab for new records.
- The error reporting with the medicare,DVA and healthfund verifications has been improved when a failure/error occurs.
- ABP Protocols, ECG, Stress ECG and Holter new records will now have a new “Scanned Report” attachment tab.
- Records that use the base clinical details tab can now record the Supervising MO, which is a staff list that can be edited via the Staff Directory by adding staff with the role ‘Supervising MO’
- The ABP Protocols (Adv) record’s diary sheet can now track BP Sys / BP Dias
- Holter Arrythmias record has the new data capture field ‘Mean Heart Rate’
- Tag replacement can be specified to be Plain text (works with RTF/plain text) or a new Word replacement method that works for word document formats. (.DOC, .DOCX including .RTF). This will allow templates to be saved in newer word formats that support compression, greatly reducing the growth of the HealthTrack filesystem.
- In “HMS Security Groups Manager”, “Edit User” is now added to the right click menu in the users’ list; this allows to copy permissions from a specified existing user and also to edit user’s personal details.
- Patient Claims can now be submitted for invoices that haven’t yet been claimed. By opening the Transaction Listing and right-clicking on the invoice you wish to claim, a Show Details menu option will be available. This information screen will have a “Submit Patient Claim” button visible if the invoice can be claimed. This button will submit the claim in the usual manner (as if it came through from the invoice), and a Statement will be printed for you upon completion of the claim.
- In “HMS Security Groups Manager”, “username” in the users’ list is now formatted as “Surname, Firstname (UserID)” if the surname and first name both exist.
- In “HMS Security Groups Manager”, “Create New User” can now copy permissions from a specified existing user and also fill the new user’s personal details.
- Assistant billing can now be accessed via an “Assistants” button on the middle-right-hand side of the main Invoice screen. This button has been relocated to provide easier access to this facility and can no longer be accessed via the Apply Rules screen.
- Assistant billing now supports derived fees for item numbers 51303, 51309 and 51312. Derived health fund fees are now also supported.
- Pathology and Radiology graphs will now automatically connect isolated data points with lines, that would otherwise not be connected.
- Added a messenger shortcut ‘Send SMS’ button to patient demographics.
- You can now send patients an SMS via the Messenger function.
- When receiving payments from the batch finalise screen, the ‘Print Now’ is no longer checked by default.
- A new warning has been added that warns you when you attempt to import a template larger than the recommended file size.
- A new button has been added to the Letter Template Manager – File Manager screen. This allows for the user to Preview the document before setting up the template details. There has also been a column added that displays the size (in kb) of each template. Any templates greater than 2MB are highlighted in red.
- Added a right-click menu option on the ‘Batch Billing History’ screen. The ‘Batch Patients to Worklist’ option will create a new worklist containing all the patients with invoices from the selected batch.
- Updated the display of line items when opening an invoice to list the batch each line item is in or ‘Eligible for batching’ / ‘Not eligible for batching’ as appropriate.
- Users will now be prompted to confirm they wish to create a referral if they select a provider with an invalid/missing provider number.
- If a patient is deceased, HealthTrack will automatically pass the deceased date to Medicare during PVFs to test if the patient’s details were valid on that date.
- If a patient is deceased, HealthTrack will automatically pass the deceased date to Medicare during OPVs to test if the patient’s details were valid on that date.
- A new right-click menu option has been added for batches submitted online: Goto Receive Online Payments which will open the ‘Receive Online Payments’ screen pre-filtered to the selected batch.
- Added a new button to the Referring MO details screen. The ‘Find Invalid’ button (next to the print button), will search for all referring doctors with an invalid or missing provider number.
- During invoicing users will also be alerted if the items are not in descending value (for the same date/item number). This is required for some health fund (e.g. BUPA).
- Prescriptions for generic drugs (eg: paracetamol, not a Brand) can now have Authority Approval numbers added to the script. This requires a similar approach to branded drugs that require Authority Approval, and requires that the prescription be a PBS or RPBS prescription.
- When invoicing the in-patient check box will be changed depending on the service location type. If you select a hospital, in-patient will be checked. If you select a standard/clinic/external location then in-patient will be unchecked.
- ”Imported Documents Report” can be printed via “Documents Import Verification” screen.
- The Receipts Listing can now be broken down to listing receipts on a per-location basis. When configuring the report options, choose the option “Split by Location” and each location’s receipts will now be totalled separately.
- In letter Template Settings screen, an option “Don’t override Synopsis with Interested Party List” is added. When this option is selected the Letter will be saved in HealthTrack with the synopsis captured in the Letter Template Manager screen opposed to the name of the interested parties to whom the letter wasn’t sent to.
- Added “NoteText” field in to Patient Recall List report and export.
- Medicare numbers cannot have spaces when submitting online, HealthTrack will now automatically remove any spaces from the Medicare number when saving the patient.
- The ‘Statement of Benefit’ report has been renamed to ‘Processing’ report to match medicare’s terminology.
- Referrals that have already been invoiced can no longer be deleted (even with the appropriate permission).
- Referral Tracking, two more columns DistributionMethod and DistributionUsername have been added into the export (.csv file).
- The new Patient Merge Manager, has been enhanced to provide you with an export of the potential duplicate patients. There is an Export Data button now available and this will export into a csv file.
- Middle names will now be ignored in the patient merge manager. If the first name for each patient (up to the space) is the same then these will be matched.
- HealthTrack can now print Healthscope pathology request form.
- DVA numbers are now validating according to the standard DVA rules and invalid numbers will be flagged on the demographics screen.
- Internal doctor and patient ‘Title’ can now be up to 15 characters long.
- The Internal test request option will now create new document in referral folder and the clinical notes will be added to the body of the request.
- Alert type list is now sorted by display order field value defined in alert definition.
- The Add Assistant Fees screen when invoicing now supports items other than 51300 and 51303, provided they have been added to HealthTrack in the Add/Modify Billing Items screen.
- The Initial Programming section will now print on the Pacemaker Measurement report if the information has been filled in.
- Perform validation on the username field in the ‘Mange Internal MO’s screen’. HealthTrack will now have a warning if the username cannot be found.
- Added support to print clinical records with the hospital header on letterhead paper.
- Patient ID is added in Daysheet report; One or more additional fields (MRN, DOB, Phone, Referring MO) can be added to the Booking Notes field based on system settings.
- Patient ID is added in the Daysheet report; One or more additional fields (MRN, DOB, Phone, Referring MO) can be added to the Booking Notes field based on system settings. This can be set up by the users in the Admin – Maintenance – System Settings – Diary.
- Added a new print option to the Distribute Income Report; two additional reports can be included: Recipient Created Tax Invoice and Debtors Listing per doctor.
- Improved the content layout of Referral Unit Report to better cater for practice needs; both standard and detailed (with additional information about Package Information and EOLC) options are available.
- CVV field, if selected in location room manager, is now included on the invoice in the remittance section.
- If a patient has a DVA number the invoice screen will no longer prompt to check medicare status.
- The Hepatology clinical record can now view Base Assessment details in the Compare mode that are in the “Height and Weight” section, the “Body” section and the “Cholesterol” section.
- Conditions that appear in the General Consultations and Specialities screens now have the date the condition was added listed at the end of the condition name. This ensures that for lengthy conditions you can still easily read the details, without the date getting in the way.
- In-patient items are now indicates with a * when adjusting the details of a batch.
- If you are importing documents and the files change and no longer exist a ‘File not found’ message will be displayed.
- HealthTrack will no longer prompt the user prior to exiting if a logoff/shutdown is occurring.
- SMS replies now treat ‘!’ the same as ‘.’. eg ‘Y!’ will now mark a booking as confirmed from an SMS reply.
- When adding a MIMS product to a prescription, if that product is known to cause drowsiness, a message will now be displayed to the user.
- MIMS Products now display their notes underneath any Indications for Authority, Section 100 or Restricted Benefits
- The Medication Prescriber now has a Drug Composition button listed beside each product name. Clicking this button will display a small information screen that details the composition of the selected drug. As an example, Panadeine Forte will show its composition as “Paracetamol 500 mg, codeine phosphate 30 mg”
- Batches in a status of ‘online received’ can no longer be voided.
- A new field has been added to the Booking Type forms “Document Folder”. This field is used for importing of Barcoded documents. If you are interested in Barcode Scanning please contact HealthTrack Support
- Added tighter delete restrictions to the Clinical Notes screen. Clinical Notes can only be deleted by the user that created them, or by a user with a specific Delete permission.
- Enhanced distribution list to send Advance Stress Echo clinical records.
- Added tighter editing restrictions to the Clinical Notes screen. Clinical Notes can only be edited by the user that created them and after a 24hr ‘editable’ period only amendments can be made. Added an ? information button to the Clinical Notes screen that will display who created and last modified/amended a clinical note.
- Added warnings to highlight when invalid admission/discharge dates will prevent an invoice from being sent via Medicare Online/ECLIPSE.
- Referral type (Referral/Request/Referral with request) is now a column visible when viewing referrals in the booking screen or on patient management.
- Referral type (Referral/Request/Referral with request) is now a column visible when selecting referrals for invoicing.
- The default referral class when creating new referrals/requests can be set based on the logged on location.
- The invoice screen now highlights the different referral types with their own colour ie Referral / Request / Referral with Request.
- Added support to print referral attachments in the Add/Modify referral screen.
- Added support to print letter head reports for Advance TOE, Advance Stress Echo, Advance ABP Protocols, Holter and Exercise Stress clinical records.
- Reply to email can now be set to a semi-colon delimited list of email addresses.